Is It Worth It to Install a New Roof on Your Home? Your Denver Roofers Explain

Every home, no matter how well maintained it is, will eventually need a new roof. For most homeowners, deciding whether it’s worth the investment to install a new roof can be tough, especially if you’re planning on moving in the near future.
Residential Roof, Tan Asphalt Shingles

Before you contact Big Creek Roofing to schedule an appointment, ask yourself these questions.

How Soon Will You Be Moving?

Installing a new roof will almost always increase your home’s property value, but that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily the best thing to do if you’re selling the house. If you plan on staying in your home for a few more years, installing a new roof is more than worth the investment. You’ll increase your property’s value while also reducing the amount of money you’ll have to spend on repairs and maintenance. But if you’re planning on selling the house immediately, you may want to leave the roof replacement to the buyer. This way, you’ll be able to spend the money on installing a new roof at your new house and can benefit from that new roof for a longer period of time.

Are You Currently Having Trouble with Your Roof?

Just because a roof is old doesn’t mean it needs to be replaced immediately. Think about how much maintenance you’ve had to do over the last year or two. Are you calling your roofer to fix leaks or patch up missing shingles after every windstorm or has your roof kept your home dry without issue? If you’re scheduling frequent maintenance or repairs, it’s worth replacing the roof entirely. Those issues will only get worse if you leave your existing roof in place. But if the roof is leak-free and your contractor thinks it’s still in good shape, you can wait on the replacement.

Does the Look Still Work for You?

Let’s face it…roofs are more than just a layer of protection for your home. They can be eye-catching and beautiful enough to make your home stand out from the others on the block. If you’re planning on redoing the exterior or want to upgrade the look of your house, replacing the roof with a long-lasting and unique roofing material can make your improvements pop.

Even better, that roof will last longer and provide your home with better protection against the elements. This is true even if you replace the roof with the same type of materials as technological improvements have made new asphalt shingles more durable than their older counterparts. But if you’re still happy with the way your roof looks and the materials are still in good shape, it may not be worth it to install a new roof just yet.

Schedule a Consultation

If you’re wondering if a roof replacement is worth it for your house, don’t leave things up to chance. Contact our team and schedule a free no-obligation inspection and estimate. We’ll help you decide if a new roof is right for your house or if you can keep your existing roof for another couple of years.

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