Choosing the Right Gutters

If your house doesn’t have a gutter system installed, you need to get one installed as soon as possible – before water damage begins to take its toll. The question is, what type should you have installed and what size should you select?
Gutter Services in Denver

For gutter installation in Denver, CO, Big Creek Roofing is the company to choose. Big Creek Roofing can help you answer any questions you have about gutter installation, but here are a few factors to consider.

If you live in a more modern home, k-style will probably work better for you than the half-round style. They’re also easier to install. If you own a more traditional style of home with a rounded roofline, then half-round can be a better choice for you.

Gutters are generally available in 4, 5, and 6-inch sizes, although some custom homes use the 7-or-8-inch size. Most houses do well with the 5-inch size, but the size of gutter you need depends largely on how much rainfall you’re likely to get. Higher levels of rainfall are easier to manage with a six-inch system.

Another factor is the size of your roof and your roof drainage area, as well as the steepness of your roof. A larger roof collects more water as well as more leaves and branches, while a steeper roof causes water to flow down more quickly. If your roof has a large surface area or is unusually steep, you may need a larger gutter size.

For gutter installation in Denver, CO, call Big Creek Roofing. We’ll help you decide what kind you need and what size would work best for you. We’ll also help you choose between sectional and seamless options, and we’ll help you decide between different materials.

Visit or call us at 720-309-9722 for gutter installation in Denver, CO.

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